Helping business people get better at creativity, and creative people get better at business.
Create a company,
not just a campaign.
"Tim’s presentation was a Masterclass in the basics of applying what we know as creatives, and transferring that knowledge into easy to understand, bite-sized lessons on how to become an entrepreneur and find a business idea that aligns with your passion and interests. I’m excited and inspired to chase this."
- Chris D., Chief Creative Officer
"The kick-in-the-butt most of us creatives need to step outside our comfort zone and start taking seriously our entrepreneurial side. Tim created a masterful framework for people who are not sure where to begin, and provides the clarity and confidence to launch your own successful endeavors."
- Shacher A., Creative Director
"Tim lead us in an insightful, step-by-step outline of how to start my own business outside of advertising. I appreciated that he showed how to leverage my existing skills so I’m not starting from ‘scratch’. Another thing that’s helpful is knowing that I don’t have to have the business idea ready. Really inspiring session — I left feeling pumped about designing the life I want."
- Annie E., Creative Director
"Tim's webinar was just what I needed to kick off my dream of starting my own business. Being an advertising creative, the way he framed his approach in relation to how the ad business works made the presentation relatable, intuitive, and most of all encouraging. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to finally 'Outwork that self doubt, and just start doing it!'"
- Chris D., Creative Director
- Melissa T., Sr. Copywriter

The place for leaders to reconnect with their creativity
According to CEOs, creativity is the most important leadership quality. According to LinkedIn, creativity is the most important skill in the world. And according to hiring managers, 94% prefer creative skills over conventional skills by more than 5 to 1.
Yet, the corporate world does little to help creative thinking bloom and thrive in organizations. In fact, some might say it slowly and methodically chokes the life essence out of it.
Let's Lightbulb exists to help leaders reconnect with their creativity — so they can use it to unreasonably amplify results for themselves and their organizations.
We believe creativity is a super-power that can take careers to the next level. And it’s also really, really fun.
There are results. And there are results unreasonably amplified by creativity.
Think about where you want to take your career or organization’s goals next.
Create a breakthrough solution? Blow goals out of the water? Triple revenue? 10x your revenue? Become a thought leader? Catch the big client? Get your boss’ boss’ job? Revolutionize your company culture? Completely change the game? Turn your confidence up to 11?
Think you can get there by following “best practices” and doing the same things everyone else does?
If so, the odds aren’t in your favor. The way to get there is by thinking differently. By connecting the dots in ways that only you can. By seeing opportunities nobody else has yet uncovered.
It isn’t hard. In fact, building your creative muscles is a lot of fun. And you’ll be amazed how quickly new ideas and opportunities will start flowing.

Why Creativity?
According to CEOs, creativity is the most important leadership quality.
According to LinkedIn, creativity is the most important skill in the world.
And according to hiring managers, 94% prefer creative skills over conventional skills by more than 5 to 1.
Yet, the corporate world does little to help creative thinking bloom and thrive in organizations. In fact, some might say it slowly and methodically chokes the life essence out of it.
Let's Lightbulb exists to help leaders reconnect with their creativity — so they can use it to unreasonably amplify results for themselves and their organizations.
We believe creativity is a super-power that can take careers to the next level.
And it’s also really, really fun.
The Benefits of Lightbulbing
Let's Lightbulb is designed to pack a lot of value in a short amount of time.
But time is time. Why is it worth it for you?
Creativity vs Craft
There’s a reason we’re called Let's Lightbulb and not, say, Let's Paintbrush or Easel or Adult Coloring Book.

Let's Lightbulb was founded by Tim Leake — a former agency leader, innovation consultant, creative director and copywriter.
As a company, Let's Lightbulb is new.
But Tim's experience transforming leadership teams through workshops and keynote presentations is not.

A few of the global events where Tim has inspired audiences and sparked creative thinking in business leaders.
We unlock transformation.
Lightbulb workshops aren’t just energizers and a fun way for a team to bond. (Though they ARE energizing and fun.) The tools we share and the skills we build fundamentally change the game for teams — increasing your ability to solve bigger challenges, more effectively, and have a lot more fun doing it.
We focus on creating solutions for YOUR challenges.
Rather than working on hypotheticals, we design our workshops to focus on the specific challenges most important to you and your organization — so the team is learning, skill-building and actively creating solutions all at the same time.
"Creativity is the last unfair advantage we're legally allowed to take over our competitors."
- Bill Bernbach
Businesses need creativity across all departments. It’s a competitive advantage for you and your career. It’s a competitive advantage for your company. An investment in building your creative capabilties is an investment in your future.