What you'll learn
How to get your leadership team buzzing with the excitement of accomplishing real, meaningful, valuable things
Trust us, it feels SO good.
How to get a group of opinionated leaders to actually make decisions, rather that punting to yet another future meeting
All those meetings get expensive — and soulcrushing.
How to make the most of your team's brilliance and strengths
Let's focus their gifts where they're most valuable.
How to ensure everyone's voices are heard
Even the not-so-extroverted ones.
How to avoid those circular conversations that go nowhere
You know the kind we're talking about.
How to have more fun doing all the above
Because an engaged and energetic team is a stronger team.

Meet your instructor
Tim Leake
For over 25 years, Tim has leveraged creativity and facilitation to drive success for both brands and individuals.
He created award-winning campaigns as a copywriter and creative director. He helped brands and agencies reinvent and transform as a facilitator and speaker. He spent a decade as Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer for one of the largest independent advertising agencies in the country. And he’s spoken multiple times at the Cannes Lions, SXSW, TEDx and on many other global stages.
Facilitation is his superpower. He has facilitated groups large and small — but specializes in helping leadership teams get twice as much accomplished, in half the time.
See below for more of the places he's made an impact.

A few of the global events where Tim has inspired audiences and sparked creative thinking in business leaders.
Let's Lightbulb was founded by Tim Leake, an executive facilitator — and former Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer and Creative Director.
As a company, Let's Lightbulb is relatively new.
But Tim's experience facilitating success for senior leadership teams is not.