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Create literal recipes for success

The corporate world loves itself some "best practices." But using checklists and guideline documents on things that require original thinking is A) uninspiring, B) stiff, and C) a fun vacuum.
Instead, we can remind ourselves what's important in a more interesting way — by creating recipes. ​
For example...
​Recipe for a Winning Presentation

1 cup of clear points
3/4 cup of cool visuals​
​3 tablespoons of confidence​
​A pinch of humor​
​A splash of audience engagement

  • Start by sifting the points until they are clear and focused.
  • Stir in confidence, presenting with energy and purpose.
  • Add a light pinch of humor to keep things engaging.
  • Fold in visuals that enhance your points without overpowering.
  • Top with a splash of audience interaction, keeping them involve and engaged.
See how the details are all still there, but the approach feels more engaging and human?
Try creating one for something meaningful to you. A few thought-starter topics:

  • Recipe for a Productive Meeting
  • Recipe for a Successful Brainstorming Session
  • Recipe for Handling Client Feedback
  • Recipe for Writing Efficient Emails
  • Recipe for Work-Life Balance
  • Recipe for a Valuable Job Interview
  • Recipe for Writing a Winning Proposal
  • Recipe for Successful Networking
  • Recipe for Staying Focused
(And if you particularly like anything you come up with — and I hope you will — please hit reply and share!)
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