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Let's get novel about novelty

Building on what we just talked about, let's think of as many ways as possible to sprinkle some novelty into our days — in ways that won't mess up the systems that make us efficient and productive.
This exercise can be done quickly. Try setting a timer for just five minutes and fill a notebook page with as many ideas as possible before the timer runs out.
It might help to identify "typical" aspects of the workday — then look for ways to inject a different approach.
For instance, I typically check email as soon as I get to the office. To mix it up, I could deliberately chose to ignore my inbox until lunchtime and jump right into a big project. (This doesn't have to become a new routine — the whole point is simply to do more things differently, more often.)
Another way I like to mix things up is via lighting. (Phillips Hue bulbs are fantastic for changing the vibe of a space when needed.)

Again — five minutes to list as many ideas as possible.
Then, try some of the ideas out for real over the next week or two. It'll be fun.

Let's crush some soulcrushers,


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