This week's creative thinking workout is to do an actual workout.
Over and over and over again, I've proven to myself that I have my biggest creative epiphanies when I'm exercising.
And it makes sense, actually.
When we get exercise, our brains get more oxygen and blood flow, which helps improve cognitive function and mental clarity. Physical activity also releases chemicals like endorphins and dopamine, which reduce stress and improves our mood.
And since exercise often involves rhythmic, repetitive motions (like running or biking or using an elliptical machine), our brains more easily slip into a flow state, allowing ideas to surface more freely.
Exercise gives our brains the energy and space to wander, make connections and spark new insights.
To make the most of this, I suggest taking 10 minutes to think hard about a particular challenge or topic. Read up on it. Do a little research. Make it top-of-mind for the brain.
Then go for a run. Or elliptical. or whatever. And don't "try" to do anything else. Just let the brain do its thing.
Pro tip: It helps immensely to have a voice recorder (built into most phones these days – or this app is a fave of mine) in order to capture ideas and epiphanies while moving.