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Making Hybrid Workshops Work

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How to turn Hybrid Workshops from frustrating to fabulous.

Thursday - April 11, 2024
1pm ET / Noon CT / 10am PT

"We know it's not ideal."

Yep, that's pretty much the first thing anyone says when deciding to do a hybrid workshop.


But the genie is out of the bottle — and the new normal is "some people want to be in person and some prefer remote." Until the day flights and hotels are free, a lot of our workshops are going to be hybrid. 

In-person workshops work great. All-virtual workshops work pretty well.
But hybrid? Hy
brid is hard.

Doing anything great is hard, though. So let's quit being frustrated and explore how to make hybrid workshops fabulous, fantastic, flawless, and (checking thesaurus) freaking awesome. 

Let's learn how to love hybrid workshops. Or, at least, hate them a lot less.
How to know if this webinar is for you:


You're a facilitator who just wants to deliver an amazing experience for your participants and why oh why does hybrid have to be so hard and frustrating?


You want to put together client workshops that, you know, actually impress your clients.


You train internal teams, but if you hear the words, "can everyone see my screen?" one more time, you're going to lose your virtual mind. 

What you'll learn

How to keep every participant excited and involved

It's hard enough in person.

The five ways hybrid facilitation is totally different

We need to learn some stuff and unlearn some other stuff.

How to make tech issues a non-issue

It's possible, really!

Why it's important to "begin before you begin"

The experience starts long before the facilitator opens their mouth.

The three keys to equal engagement

Nobody wants to feel ignored. 

Keeping energy high in a hybrid world

Energizers are tough when half the group is on webcams.

Avoiding "lowest common denominator-itis"

Making things "work for everybody" doesn't have to mean making it worse.

Why a hybrid workshop is actually a magic show

Nothing's up our sleeves. 

How to "see" the participants you can't actually see

Even with cameras on, it's hard to read the body language of a 1.5" square.

Meet your instructor

Tim Leake

For over 25 years, Tim has leveraged creativity and facilitation to drive success for both brands and individuals. 

He created award-winning campaigns as a copywriter and creative director. He helped brands and agencies reinvent and transform as a facilitator and speaker. He spent a decade as part of the executive team of one of the largest independent advertising agencies in the country. And he’s spoken multiple times at the Cannes Lions, SXSW, TEDx and on many other global stages.

Workshops are his superpower. He has facilitated groups large and small — and been told he has strong "executive presence" by some very impressive senior executives. Always nice to hear, right? 

See below for more of the places he's made an impact.


A few of the global events where Tim has inspired audiences and sparked creative thinking in business leaders.

Let's Lightbulb, as company, is relatively new.

But Tim's experience
transforming leadership teams through facilitated workshops and keynote presentations is not.
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