We spend a lot of time and energy at work — shouldn't we enjoy it?
Why are video games usually considered fun, even though they’re hard and challenging — yet work is usually NOT considered fun, because it’s hard and challenging?
Turns out, there’s a lot in common between the things we find fun and this other thing called “work” that we spend most of our lives doing and get paid well for in return. When we find the fun in our work, huge benefits await.
Importantly, this workshop focuses on “Making Work Fun” — not just “Having Fun At Work.” Because those are two very different things.
The latter implies that work is a PLACE and people can have fun while they’re there.
The former implies that work is an ACTIVITY and people can make the process of that activity more fun. This is even more valuable to people, their careers and their companies' bottom-line.
How to know if this workshop
is for your team:
Otherwise great talent seems disengaged and they’re letting small issues get in the way of attacking big challenges.
Your once-strong company culture is having a hard time adjusting to a more remote (or hybrid) workforce.
Energy is low. Apathy is high. And complaining is becoming the team’s favorite bonding activity.
Key Outcomes
✔︎ Increased productivity
Happy employees are 12% more productive, and businesses with happy employees outperform their competitors by 20%. (brighthr.com)
✔︎ Stronger company culture, remote-work or not
Culture isn’t about perks or ping-pong tables — it’s about how people bring themselves to their work and their colleagues.
✔︎ Happier, more engaged team members
They get more done, do it better, and inspire others to do the same. They complain less and care more.
✔︎ Higher retention rates
Satisfied people stick around. And they attract smart people who want to feel that way, too.
✔︎ A more confident, more empowered team
By empowering individuals to find their fun themselves, they’ll also feel empowered to make great things happen.
✔︎ A team powered by intrinsic motivation
When the work itself becomes rewarding, there is less need for external incentives.
✔︎ A virtuous cycle of energy and positivity
When a team makes their work more fun, they make everything around them better, which makes it even easier to have fun, which makes everything else even better again.
What people are saying:
“I thought this was truly amazing. This is a conversation that needs to be had more and helps excite curiosity, which in turn improves morale, quality of work and overall quality of life.”
“First off, this session was 100% FUN! I had so many take-aways! It helped give me a vocabulary to speak to things that I may have already been doing that were ‘fun’ that I didn't even realize at the time.”
"We're often so go-go-go in our daily grind that we get caught up in anti-fun habits. This presentation forced us to slow down and focus on some important tools."
“Wasn't really sure what to expect heading into this session and I ended up having a great time and learning a ton. Would highly recommend this for more folks!”
Key Topics
How “soulcrushers” at work are getting in the way of fun, and how to crush them
The difference between fun-perks and fun-work
How to adopt, nurture and maintain a fun work mindset
Why applying “fun perfume” isn’t enough
The difference between “being fun” and “having fun” — and why it matters
How to leverage levity
How to give stress a hug, rather than fight with it
The superpower of curiosity
Why “purpose” can backfire — and how to prevent it
How to kick-start flow states
How to build stronger, more creative, and more supportive teams
How to wield forgiveness like a weapon
How to implement a funtervention
Why “work” and “fun” are not opposites
What To Expect
A learning experience — not just lecture
A full-day or half-day immersion
Learning by doing
An approach customized to your team, your needs and your goals
High-energy, fast-moving, and challenging — but lots of fun
A 90-minute follow-up to help reinforce the takeaways
Meet your instructor
Tim Leake
For over 25 years, Tim has leveraged creativity and facilitation to drive success for both brands and individuals.
He created award-winning campaigns as a copywriter and creative director. He helped brands and agencies reinvent and transform as a facilitator and speaker. He spent a decade as part of the executive team of one of the largest independent advertising agencies in the country. And he’s spoken multiple times at the Cannes Lions, SXSW, TEDx and on many other global stages.
Workshops are his superpower. He has facilitated groups large and small — and been told he has strong "executive presence" by some very impressive senior executives. Always nice to hear, right?
See below for more of the places he's made an impact.
Let's Lightbulb was founded by Tim Leake — a former ad agency leader, executive facilitator, innovation consultant, creative director and copywriter.
As a company, Let's Lightbulb is new.
But Tim's experience transforming leadership teams through workshops and keynote presentations is not.
A few of the global events where Tim has inspired audiences and sparked creative thinking in business leaders.
Let's newsletter.
Every week, I share simple and practical tips for Creative Business People who want to both make their work fun again and have successful, lucrative careers. (Hint: the two are closely aligned.)